Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mind over matter can keep you from getting fatter?!

The other day I saw a segment on Good Morning America about positive thinking and how it affects our health. The results of one particular study were pretty amazing and supported the idea that mind really is over matter:
I have always had this philosophy ESPECIALLY when it comes to food. I firmly believe that when one eats unhealthy food and then feels extreme guilt over it, the pounds will pack on. I am not suggesting that by thinking happy thoughts whilst housing McDonalds and birthday cake will prevent heart disease and obesity, but I do think that those of us who eat the occasional "bad" food and feel good about it will not see or feel the negative results.
It is okay to have a side of bacon, bowl of ice cream, or slice of pizza. Sugar is bad for you. Creamy foods cause high cholesterol. Cheese clogs your arteries. Carbs make you bloated. The list could go on and on. The bottom line is that these foods are delicious. When eaten in moderation, we should not be conditioned to feel such guilt and negativity over them. What is the point of eating foods that make our taste buds dance and sing if after we are just going to obsess over our imminent weight gain?
I also have a theory  that our bodies sometimes get so accustomed to our style of eating that we need to throw in that occasional “bad” food just to keep our metabolism in check. We can’t let our bodies get too used to our routines just as we do with exercise. Moderation is key, and that chocolate cake IS worth it!
One of my foodie idols, Anthony Bourdain,  puts it quite simply:
“You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred”
So my foodie friends, have that doughnut in the break room and allow yourself that piece of bread at lunch. And tonight, you can try my latest recipe, Fettuccini Alfredo. Enjoy it - I know I did! (2 nights in a row and lunch today.)
Alfredo Sauce

2 Tbs flour
2 cups milk
1/2 cup heavy cream
half stick of butter
1/2 Tbs sea salt
1 Tbs pepper
1/2 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cup fresh grated parmesan
1/4 cup grated smoked havarti

melt butter in large sauce pan over medium heat
whisk in flour
add milk
add sour cream
turn up to medium high and let heat through
add parmesan
add havarti
add pepper
add salt
pour over pasta (I also sauteed shrimp and mushrooms prior to add to this dish)

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